SIZE: 11.833± gross acres, which includes a 2.2 acres detention pond, leaving a net area of ±9.63 acres.
PROPERTY: The Property is in the City of Georgetown and is adjacent to Berry Springs, a KB Home project with houses ranging from $340,000 – $400,000. Next door Site 2 is home to Georgetown ISD’s Forbes Middle School and Cooper Elementary School. Georgetown has designated the FM 971 and SH-130 intersections as a future community commercial hub. The site is well situated, just 1-mile from IH-35 along Inner Loop, 1.5-miles to IH-35 along FM 971, and less than 2 miles to SH-29.
ZONING: Zoned C-3 through the Troop Tract PUD as C-3. Uses permitted under C-3 include Assisted Living, Nursing Homes, Hospice Facility, Hotels, General Retail, Restaurants (including drive-thru), Medical and Professional Office, Multi-Family and Self-Storage will require a special use permit.
UTILITIES: Water Jonah SUD 8”-12” water lines north of 971
Wastewater Georgetown 12” gravity main line on Site 1
Electric Georgetown
IMPERVIOUS COVER & HEIGHT: In accordance with the PUD. the impervious cover for Site 1 is 70% with a height limitation of 35’.
FLOODPLAIN: There is no Floodplain on the Property.
ASKING PRICE: $2,950,000 ($7.00/sf net)